Easy Topup KH is a application that help us to get the code from scratch cards. It can be use for send scratch card code to someone fast & easy no need to type all of code in the scratch card just open Easy Topup KH and start for get code from card and click call for dial numbers to USSD service center. Easy Topup KH dectect code run by Google Play Services, it can't run camera without Google Play Services. First installation of Easy Topup KH your phone need to open internet for Easy Topup KH synchronize data from Google Play Services for a few minutes or maybe a few hours depend on your internet. Camera not work please make sure your Google Play Services & Internet work correctly for the first installation you just wait for a while or can check Google Plays Services data have update when open Easy Topup KH if Google Play Services data value is zero or value in data less than 50 Mb it should be not yet work so wait and try to open camera again & again. all application must be disable all overlay applaction for Easy Topup KH work correctly.